Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 10

The previous posts about the Grand Army of the Republic were intended to give you a  starting place to get you acquainted with the GAR and to begin looking for your Union Soldier and Sailor ancestors in these records.

One area that was not covered was newspapers. When you are searching for information about your ancestors in newspapers, remember to also look for announcements about the GAR and its members.

Remember to look at the listings of records compiled by the SUVCW, but do not stop there!

The blog posts can be found at:

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 1 – Background

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 2 – The GAR Museum

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 3 – NY State Archives

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 4 – Records Project of the SUVCW

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 5 – Records on

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 6 – Records at USAHEC

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 7 – Using Google Books

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 8 – Using Google Books

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 9 – The Library of Congress


Good luck in your searches, and let me know what you find.

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