
Welcome to the website for our books, lectures and tutorials.

Have you been looking for how-to genealogy books to get you started and keep you going? Our books have material for experienced as well as beginning family historians.

11 covers of books by Dr. Margaret M. McMahon

Researching U.S. WWI Military Members, Military Organizations and Noncombatants: A Research Guide for Historians and Genealogists

From Timeline to Young Readers Book
From Timeline to Young Readers Book, Kindle Edition
Marching and Mules: A U.S. Pioneer Infantryman in World War I (An illustrated book)
A Week of Genealogy: Things to Know and Do Online and Offline, Second Edition
A Weekend of Genealogy, Second Edition
A Weekend of Genealogy, Kindle Edition
Genealogy Podcast Listener Journal
With Rifle and Shovel: The 51st Pioneer Infantry Regiment in WWI
A Guide to the U.S. Pioneer infantry Regiments in WWI
Researching Your U.S. WWI Army Ancestors
A Weekend of Genealogy: Things to Know and Do Online and Offline
A Week of Genealogy: Things to Know and Do Online and Offline

Note: Italicized titles have been updated in newer editions

If you been looking for a speaker for your society or group, look no farther! You can check out reviews of Dr. McMahon’s books and talks here.

When you need a little detailed help to research your family history, check out the tutorials.

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