Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 8 – Using Google

This post is the eighth in a series of posts is about how to locate record the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). The first post contains information about the GAR.

Search terms: grand army of the republic new york

My results looked like this:

GAR - Google Search - 1

One of the very interesting results was the digitized scrapbook  from the E.G. Marshall Post No. 397, Rochester. This page includes the story of the disbanding of the Post by the last surviving member, and the closing of the book. You can download the whole scrapbook from this website. Although your ancestor may not be in the book, it is interesting to browse through it. The articles may also give you ideas on more places to search for your GAR ancestors.


GAR - Google Search - 2


Remember to try other terms in your searches to narrow down the results. Remember to open up the results again and narrow them down in different ways.


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