
World War I Dawn Patrol

Posted by on Jul 7, 2017 in Military research, WWI | 0 comments

While in the High Desert of California, I had a chance to catch up with an old friend, Steven Rainey from Ridgecrest, California. He has been involved in WWI reenactments for twenty years. Steven Rainey is shown here as an Army Air Corps Captain rank, working on the Flight Line as a Flight Safety Officer.     One of the reenactments Steven attends is the WWI Dawn Patrol Rendezvous held every two years at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base, in Dayton, OH. The Dawn Patrol is an early morning reconnaissance mission intended to...

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WWI in the Passenger Lists of the U.S. Army Transport Service (Part II)

Posted by on Jul 4, 2017 in Genealogy Education, Military research, NARA, Useful Tips, WWI | 0 comments

To France and Back: All of the 51st Pioneer Infantry In part 1 of this series, you learned how to locate an individual in the U.S. Army Transport records on In these records, you may find family members or foreign personnel that were transported by the Army. These are from the Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774-1985, Record Group 92, held at NARA in College Park. In this post, you will learn how to find records for a specific military organization. In a previous post , I wrote about Joseph McMahon’s...

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RootsMagic + Ancestry = Great News

Posted by on Jun 30, 2017 in Genealogy Education, Useful Tips | 0 comments

So, the time RootsMagic users have been waiting for has finally come! TreeShare for Ancestry is included in Rootsmagic version 7.5, which is a free update to RootsMagic 7. TreeShare for Ancestry allows you to move data between your RootsMagic and your personal Ancestry online trees. The free version of RootsMagic, RootsMagic Essentials includes TreeShare for Ancestry! If you use RootsMagic 7 or RootsMagic Essentials 7, you can directly download the update, or you can the “Check for Updates” feature within RootsMagic. To read more about...

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WWI in the Passenger Lists of the U.S. Army Transport Service (Part I)

Posted by on Jun 25, 2017 in Genealogy Education, Military research, NARA, Uncategorized, Useful Tips, WWI | 0 comments

In my lectures, I recommend searching for’s military records from the Military Records Landing Page.     When you search from the regular search page, the results are from the most popular 10% of all their databases. Searching from the Military Landing Page, I came across records from: U.S., Army Transport Service, Passenger Lists, 1910-1939. The record in this database give you the name of the person traveling on U.S. Army Transport plus the military organization, the military serial number and whom to notify in...

read more Landing Pages

Posted by on Jun 10, 2017 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Did you know that searching from the home page or the search page only includes the top 10% of the databases on To dig into the rest, you are going to need to find them! One way is through a landing page. The landing pages have usually been created for special promotions, such as one during free access weekends. From the landing pages you can search the set of databases related to the topic.     In my lectures about ancestors in U.S. military, I recommend searching for military records from the Military Records Landing...

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Family History Outing: National Museum of the Marine Corps

Posted by on Jun 4, 2017 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Have you ever wondered what it was like to land on Iwo Jima? Maybe you have wanted to look at the larger, second flag to be raised by the Marines on Mt. Suribachi. Do you want to see a combat helicopter up close or exit from its inside into a combat area? The National Museum of the Marine Corps is located in Quantico, VA. The Museum is a terrific place to visit with your family whether or not you have Marines in your family history. But if you have ancestors or family members in the Marine Corps, this will be a...

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Take a Tour: NARA WWI Page

Posted by on May 16, 2017 in Uncategorized, Useful Tips, WWI | 0 comments

For the centennial of the U.S. entering WWI, NARA launched a new portal page for WWI Research.     The Genealogy Resources takes you to a page where you can start Researching Individuals in WWI Records. (Keep that in mind, and return to it after your tour of this page.) Keep scrolling to find a section where you can choose from several World War I Topics.     Scroll even farther down for a World War I Timeline, and More Resources. Explore the page and resources. When you are ready to start your own research, a good place to...

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3 Mother’s Day Things To Do

Posted by on May 12, 2017 in Genealogy Education, Get Children Involved, Useful Tips | 0 comments

No matter how many mothers you study about in history, to you the most famous Mother will probably be your own. There is no time like the present to tap her repository of genealogical information. If that is not possible, tap into your and other’s store of genealogical memories about her.   1. Take this time to interview your Mother Bring a recorder, or use your iPhone, to record a chat with your Mom this Mother’s Day. Alternately, if you live too far away for a visit, record your phone call. (Always make sure Mom agrees to...

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5 Databases for WWI Research

Posted by on May 4, 2017 in Genealogy Education, Military research, Uncategorized, Useful Tips, WWI | 0 comments

Among’s databases, are some really interesting ones that will help you to research your WWI ancestors. This post covers five of the United States databases.   1. Whether or not your ancestor fought in World War I, this is a go-to database for finding men between 18 and 45 years old. The information includes a man’s birth date and place, occupation, address, physical description, and the name and address of the next of kin. The information on these cards will not tell you if the ancestor served, but can help you to...

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Posted by on May 1, 2017 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Have you been looking for an online course about WWI? “World War 1: A History in 100 Stories” at FutureLearn may be of interest to you. The course is a Massively Open Online Course (MOOC). It is different from a regular course because of its size, and also because you will interact more with the other people in the course than with any faculty.     This is a five-week class is presented by Monash University in Australia. It is based on the One Hundred Stories Project at that University. You can learn more about the...

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