I’ve been hard at work this week to capture material I present in my lectures with updated hints, tips, and tricks to help you make the most of your online genealogy research time.
read more“A Week of Genealogy” is now available at the Allen County Public Library. If you like the book, please feel free to order a copy from me. http://smartcat.acpl.lib.in.us/?itemid=|acpl-bibs|ocn871005709
read moreThe Washington DC Family History Center 8th Annual Conference was great! It is always an honor to be invited to speak. I enjoyed the audiences for my talks, and learned from them, too. I’m hoping that their will be a lot of new blogs out there after my talk. You CAN do this! And maybe it will help distant cousins to find you. The other speakers that I had the pleasure to listen to were very professional, and interesting. The Keynote speaker talked about his work on the Baltimore Immigration Memorial Project. If you need to download the...
read moreThe snowed out “Introduction to Genealogy” class has been rescheduled and will occur on 18 March. The people who registered for the first class have priority, but you can check for availability by calling the West County Library 410-222-6277.
read moreThis week I was invited back to give some talks in the Spring. April will be about Internet Searching for Genealogists and May about newspapers. Internet Searching for Genealogists Tuesday, Apr 15 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm Genealogy: Using Newspapers Tuesday, May 13 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm
read moreIt’s the little things that make me happy. Here’s where I am working on my next genealogy presentation, First Steps in Irish Research. All in my own private room at the local community college. Have you looked into getting a library card at your local community college, or state university yet? Hope I will see you at the Irish Genealogical Interest meeting at WDC FHC.
read moreI am very excited that The Genealogy Guys reviewed “A Week of Genealogy” on their podcast #248. “I think you will enjoy it. It’s a nice workbook and it’s a great way to organize your research for one week and learn some things that you can incorporate into your everyday research.” -George G. Morgan You can hear the whole podcast at: http://genealogyguys.com/the-genealogy-guys-podcast-248-2013-march-3 with the review running from 23:15 – 25:15.
read moreRegistration is now available for the Washington DC Family History Center 7th Annual Conference on May 4, 2013, from 9:00 AM – 4:15 PM http://www.wdcfhc.org/conf2013/index.php I will be presenting: Google for Genealogists Learn how to search for ancestors using Google and its tools. You will learn how to construct searches to look for your ancestors on the web and be introduced to the use of selected search techniques. Genealogy and Social Networking Explore the use of social networking in genealogical research, from message boards to...
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