
Thanks to all the people who came on Tuesday night to learn more about

As you know the website is provided for the public to use for free by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There is much more to the website than searching or browsing for Historical Records.

Records were microfilmed records beginning in 1938. There are records from more than 110 countries, territories, and possessions. Currently the 2.4 million filmstrips, containing 3.5 billion images, are being digitized. Of course, these images are more useful when they have been indexed! So consider becoming an indexing volunteer ( Approximately 200 cameras currently microfilming records in more than 45 countries

Some of the way to search are to go to the search page at From there you can search using the boxes on that page; click on the map and select a place from the list in the pop up menu to begin your research in a region; or Browse All Published Collections and use filters.               

In addition to the Historical Records, remember to search the Books and the Genealogies.

Use the Wiki to learn about the places and records you are searching. (

Take a lesson from an expert. Watch and learn from the courses in the Learning Center. Remember to download the Class Handout. (

I promised to post some of the useful information that FamilySearch has on social media. To find helpful groups on Facebook, browse the list at and follow the links to the Facebook page. You can join the page to see updates and ask your questions. There is a page in the FamilySearch Wiki about social networks at FamilySearch has Tech Tips in their blog to help you learn about social media Yes, you can even follow Family Search on Twitter at

You can type “familysearch” in the search box on Twitter to find more!

When you are ready to tackle browsing, do not forget the tutorials on this website about land records and probate records to get you started.

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