3 Reasons to use WorldCat (and a Tutorial)

Have you been using WorldCat? If not, you need to be.

  1. WorldCat is the world’s largest library catalog. It spans many libraries, including those at the Family History Library, the Allen County Public Library, and the New England Historic Genealogical Society.
  2. WorldCat lets you search for publications of interest. It lets you save lists of the publications. You can also save your searches to run them again at a future time.
  3. Last, but not least, WorldCat helps you find where the materials are located. You can enter your zip code and find out if there is a copy near you. If none is nearby, you can also investigate an inter-library loan.

Give the new WorldCat Tutorial a try. In it, WorldCat is searched for publications about the 51st Pioneer Infantry.


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