Using’s Ancestor Profile Options has some new options with in an ancestor’s profile

In your Family Tree, decide which ancestor’s profile you will be investigating.



Click on an ancestor.



Click on the Profile button.



If it is not already selected, click on Lifestory.

Click on the Settings (Gear icon) if you would like to:

  • Show/Hide Family Events
  • Show/Hide Historical Events



From the Profile, you can also Resize Profile Image to crop the image that you use. This comes in handy when all you have is a group photo.



Drag and resize the square around your ancestor’s head.



The original image stays in the Gallery. (You can check by selecting Gallery from the Profile.)



To print the Lifestory, use the Tools drop down menu.



Select Print.



You have the options to print use the Print-friendly option.  A printer dialog box will open.

You can also choose one of the mycanvas products, which will take you to a partner site.




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