USAHEC Visit – Day 2

We came back to photograph more of the contents of the folders.  That went quickly.

There was some extra time, so one of my research assistants decided to research his Civil War veterans. There were no images of his ancestors, but he did find ones from the same regiment and the same home town.



We even had time for some made-to-order lunch at the Café Cumberland.




There was time to visit the exhibits in the Soldier Experience Gallery.




Exhibit in the Soldier Experience Gallery, USAHEC



Exhibit in the Soldier Experience Gallery, USAHEC


One of the exhibits displayed a medal issued by Saint Mihiel in 1937 to commemorate the battle.



Exhibit in the Soldier Experience Gallery, USAHEC


We planned to go through the Army Heritage Trail, but it started raining too hard.


For information about visiting USAHEC, click here.

You can find information about the exhibits here.


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