“There’s an AI for that”

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With the explosion of artificial intelligence (AI) tools available, have you considered how many tasks in genealogy might be made easier with its use? A type of AI is used to make suggestions based on your previous purchases. Search experiences are beginning to incorporate AI. AI tools can be used in the creative process to invent images and content. AI is already incorporated into many tasks already done in genealogy, such as translation and indexing.

In upcoming blog posts, we will explore a few ways that genealogical tasks that can be done more efficiently with AI. We will look for ways AI might help with a task that has been looming or to overcome hurdles in your way.

Think about tasks that you do in genealogy that could be automated or done more efficiently by using AIs. There is probably already an AI tool for that. Some potential ideas are:

  • Extracting text from:
    • Images of typewritten text
    • Images of handwritten text
  • Converting interviews to text
  • Editing images to:
    • Remove backgrounds
    • Remove parts elements in the pictures
  • Working with text
    • Summarizing text
    • Analyzing text
    • Formatting text
  • Formatting citations
  • Writing content

NOTE: There are many other AIs that can do amazing things. Check out recommended tools from sources that you trust. While you can search the web for tools but be sure to trust your antivirus software and only click on safe websites. The best suggestion is to always try before paying any fee.

NOTE: Do not upload sensitive information into any AI tool.

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