Researching at USAHEC

This past week I made an interesting trip to Carlisle, PA, to the US Army Heritage and Education Center (USAHEC) to attend a lecture about researching in their facility.

“USAHEC Research 101: Basic Research Methodology at the USAHEC” was presented by the very knowledgeable and informative Mr. Rich Baker. The focus was on how to use the online USAHEC Research Catalog and Digital Archive. One of the secrets to using the database is to use the reference bibliographies, by topic or keyword.

After the lecture, I visited the research room, and registered for an account.

The Center personnel are very friendly and helpful. They are customer-oriented. They pull documents during the weekdays, and I was told that you can call ahead and verify that you are coming, and have boxes pulled for you. It is important to check the status of the holding using their catalog, and verify that the item is available.

The Soldier Experience Gallery was very interesting. When you enter the Experience you receive card that allows you to access information about a specific soldier who served in one of the US Wars. You can learn to stand at attention and salute; fire a rifle; experience a night attack; and steer a parachute to a landing. Lunch at Café Cumberland was quick, made-to-order and good. One hint is that a six-pack of beer bottles will cost you less than two bottles of beer.

Outside, the Army Heritage Trail was an enjoyable trek for the rest of the family. The highlights were the WWI trenches and German pillbox.

There is work for me to do offline as well as online before my next trip. As I explore this resource, I will post more about it.


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