New Offering: Member Survey plus Class

Blog Header - “Creating an Individualized Genealogical Educational Plan.”

We offer a new service!

Have you wanted to learn more about your society members current interests? We can help.

When booking the presentation “Creating an Individualized Genealogical Educational Plan,” We can work with your society to help you learn more about your members’ current interests.

Here’s what is included with the speaker’s fee:

  • Work with your designated society member to create a customized survey
  • Provide a link for society members to use
  • Provide a brief report, with suggestions about how to use the results

Here is a review from the Baltimore County Genealogical Society:

As always, our society meeting attendance is higher with any of Dr. McMahon’s presentations.  It is a reflection of how valuable the information she has to offer is in expanding ancestral research. Her latest guide, Creating an Individualized Genealogical Education Plan provides an introspective approach to research that is deeper than the traditional “to do” list.  With many societies and genealogy groups stepping up their outreach with more online content and lectures via zoom, the Educational Plan presentation is practical and essential for targeting your research goals. 

Contact us to book your society’s survey and talk!

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