More WWII Morning Reports using the NARA Catalog

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While hunting for the rest of the Morning Reports for Battery A, 500th AAA Gun Battalion, I located a different format of the original roll, that offered a different option for downloading. (You can read how I searched for and download the Morning Reports of the 500th AAA Gun Battalion for September 1943’s at WWII Morning Reports using the NARA Catalog).

The interesting thing about these Morning Reports is that June and July for the same organization were filmed sequentially. This makes me curious if the reason may be related to the redesignation of the Battalion on 8 June, when the Coastal Artillery (CA) Battalions were redesignated Antiaircraft Artillery (AAA) Gun Battalions.

There was another surprise in store: these records could be downloaded in PDF files containing chunks of the Roll. (That means you do not have to download these one-page-at-a-time!)

I searched the NARA Catalog at: using the keywords: 500th AAA Gun

Searching the NARA Catalog for keywords: 500th AAA Gun

I have been going through the results to determine if they relate to the Battalion that I am researching.

Search result entry

This took me to Image 1 (of 640). Not the links next to the thumbnails.

The search result

The links on the right side are navigation to the results.

Links to images found by search

I clicked on the link for Image # 643.

Image #643 in viewer

Even though my browser was not loading the PDF file, this page was different than others I had found. It had an option to download the PDF file.

Image # 644 looked familiar to me, based on the Morning Reports I had viewed for this organization. It was a page indicating the previous name of the organization before it had been redesignated.  

Thumbnail of Image #644

The above image is the thumbnail view of the image below.

Resignation from 500th CA Bn to 500th AAA Gun Bn

Of course, I downloaded the PDF file.

Download the PDF

The filename was one of the 30 listed below the image, 85713825_1940-01-thru-1943-07_Roll-0711-04.pdf

Files Available for Download

Rather than have to download each image separately, the downloaded file contained the Morning Reports for June (beginning on 8 June) and July 1943 for Battery C, Battery D and the Medical Detachment of the 500th AAA Gun Bn.

The pdf files present the Morning Reports in chronological order, rather than the way the images are presented counting down (in the order they were photographed on the original roll).

Since this filename with -04 on the end suggested it might the 4th piece of Roll 711 (4 of 4), I took a chance and downloaded the file with -03 on the end.

Page 5 of the pdf had my answer! This file contained the Headquarters Battery of the 500th AAA Gun Bn

Resignation from 500th CA Bn to 500th AAA Gun Bn

Both of these PDF files contained 125 images, so I know that when I locate these downloadable files in future, I will probably have to locate the rest of the organization by checking the files before or after the one that I am viewing.

Although I am not yet sure what triggers the conversion of individual images to being grouped together into PDF files for an organization, I will continue to look for these records and ask questions.  

Minor update: I have located with two links Morning Reports for the 500th AAA Gun Battalion for June and July 1943, with each link leading to a page with a different type of file to download. One link is for downloading individual TIFF file downloads of each page, the other is for downloading PDF files.

The link for downloading individual pages as TIFF files:

The link for downloading PDF files:

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