Google is shutting down Picasa

Google is shutting down Picasa in favor of Google Photos

Yesterday Google announced that it is shutting down Picasa in favor of Google Photos.
Standby, the changes will begin starting May 1, 2016.

Here are your options:

1) Login to Google Photos and your pictures will be there.

2) If you do not want to use Google Photos, there will be a new place created for you to access your Picasa Web Albums data. You can view/delete/download your albums from this new place, but you will not be able to create/organize/edit your albums. That means you will still be able to access them, but you cannot manipulate them.

For those using the Desktop Picasa application, it will no longer be supported after March 15, 2016. That means it will still work on your desktop, but the program will not be updated in the future.

You can read the announcement at:

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