Posted by
Dr. Mac on Jan 20, 2016 in
Military research
This post is the seventh in a series of posts is about how to locate record the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). The first post contains information about the GAR.
Looking at the USAHEC research bibliography, some of the books the were referenced were out-of-print and might be located at Google books.
So I searched Google books using the search terms: Grand Army of the Republic
The search results showed several of the volumes of the Journal of the National Encampment, Grand Army of the Republic. They also listed the Detroit Post No. 384, Grand Army of the Republic. There were also records of the State Encampments that were held in addition to the National Encampments.
Then I combined the search term “Grand Army of the Republic” to find the publications and added a surname, Tingue.
Search terms: Grand Army of the Republic tingue
One of the results was an Abstract of General Orders and Proceedings for the 45th Annual Encampment held in 1911.

On page 258 there was a Tingue in a Mortuary Table
This entry was for Tingue, L. and showed his place and date of death (12/17/1910, Little Valley, NY), as well as the Number of his GAR Post (246). His Company and Regiment is listed as Co. B., 15th NYVI, which is incorrect. It should be Co. B. 154th.
This is a collateral relative, William Linden Tingue.
From the New York State list of posts, discussed in the third post of this series, GAR Post 246 is:

I downloaded the book, and included the page number and the surname Tingue in the filename.

I tried to search for his brothers, and find their posts. I do know their death years.
So I searched for: Abstract of General Orders and Proceedings of the Annual Encampment
I will want to search for the one held in 1913 for a death in 1912.
The search was for: Abstract of General Orders and Proceedings of the Annual Encampment 1913
I did not find those documents. They may not be online at Google Books. Given that there may be errors in the optical character recognition, I substituted different terms for the surname, such as the residence. Using the post number was the least satisfying as page numbers and other instances of the number were found in the text.
These searches did not yield the publication for 1913, so I tried a search from the Google search page. There were results in recently published books that were not available in full format in pdf.
Another website to search is the Internet Archive.