Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 10

The previous posts about the Grand Army of the Republic were intended to give you a  starting place to get you acquainted with the GAR and to begin looking for your Union Soldier and Sailor ancestors in these records.

One area that was not covered was newspapers. When you are searching for information about your ancestors in newspapers, remember to also look for announcements about the GAR and its members.

Remember to look at the listings of records compiled by the SUVCW, but do not stop there!

The blog posts can be found at:

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 1 – Background

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 2 – The GAR Museum

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 3 – NY State Archives

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 4 – Records Project of the SUVCW

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 5 – Records on

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 6 – Records at USAHEC

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 7 – Using Google Books

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 8 – Using Google Books

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 9 – The Library of Congress


Good luck in your searches, and let me know what you find.

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 9 – The Library of Congress

This post is the ninth in a series of posts is about how to locate record the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). The first post contains information about the GAR.

The past blog posts have used New York State for examples. This post will go national and discuss the Library of Congress has The Grand Army of the Republic and Kindred Societies: A Guide to Resources in the General Collections of the Library of Congress.

On this page you can click on your state to find a listing of each state’s local posts. These are the posts at the community level.


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Clicking on the National Encampments link brings you to a list of them. Follow the links to find out which records for the encampments are held at the Library of Congress.


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Remember, there were also state encampments.


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Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 8 – Using Google

This post is the eighth in a series of posts is about how to locate record the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). The first post contains information about the GAR.

Search terms: grand army of the republic new york

My results looked like this:

GAR - Google Search - 1

One of the very interesting results was the digitized scrapbook  from the E.G. Marshall Post No. 397, Rochester. This page includes the story of the disbanding of the Post by the last surviving member, and the closing of the book. You can download the whole scrapbook from this website. Although your ancestor may not be in the book, it is interesting to browse through it. The articles may also give you ideas on more places to search for your GAR ancestors.


GAR - Google Search - 2


Remember to try other terms in your searches to narrow down the results. Remember to open up the results again and narrow them down in different ways.


Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 7 – Using Google Books

This post is the seventh in a series of posts is about how to locate record the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). The first post contains information about the GAR.

Looking at the USAHEC research bibliography, some of the books the were referenced were out-of-print and might be located at Google books.

So I searched Google books using the search terms: Grand Army of the Republic

The search results showed several of the volumes of the Journal of the National Encampment, Grand Army of the Republic. They also listed the Detroit Post No. 384, Grand Army of the Republic. There were also records of the State Encampments that were held in addition to the National Encampments.

Then I combined the search term “Grand Army of the Republic” to find the publications and added a surname, Tingue.

Search terms: Grand Army of the Republic tingue

One of the results was an Abstract of General Orders and Proceedings for the 45th Annual Encampment held in 1911.


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On page 258 there was a Tingue in a Mortuary Table

This entry was for Tingue, L. and showed his place and date of death (12/17/1910, Little Valley, NY), as well as the Number of his GAR Post (246). His Company and Regiment is listed as Co. B., 15th NYVI, which is incorrect. It should be Co. B. 154th.

This is a collateral relative, William Linden Tingue.

From the New York State list of posts, discussed in the third post of this series, GAR Post 246 is:

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I downloaded the book, and included the page number and the surname Tingue in the filename.


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I tried to search for his brothers, and find their posts. I do know their death years.

So I searched for: Abstract of General Orders and Proceedings of the Annual Encampment

I will want to search for the one held in 1913 for a death in 1912.

The search was for: Abstract of General Orders and Proceedings of the Annual Encampment 1913

I did not find those documents. They may not be online at Google Books. Given that there may be errors in the optical character recognition, I substituted different terms for the surname, such as the residence. Using the post number was the least satisfying as page numbers and other instances of the number were found in the text.

These searches did not yield the publication for 1913, so I tried a search from the Google search page. There were results in recently published books that were not available in full format in pdf.

Another website to search is the Internet Archive.


Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 6 – Records at USAHEC

This post is the sixth in a series of posts is about how to locate record the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). The first post contains information about the GAR.

If you have seen the other tutorials on this website, you will know that a good way to locate the resources at U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center (USAHEC) is to locate the a finding aid.

Start at the Library Guides for USAWC Graduates and All Other Patrons.



In the Library Catalog and Digital Collections box, you can search both the Library Catalog and our Digital Collections.

Search: grand army of the republic




There are several results that may be worth investigating.




For now I will look for the Reference Bibliography, by adding the keyword reference.




You can view the Grand Army of the Republic Reference Bibliography at this link. You can download it to your computer.




From this reference bibliography, we learn that there is a Grand Army of the Republic Collection Archive. It contains the Journal of the National Encampment from many of the annual encampments. At the very bottom is a list of the posts from which the archives holds materials.

Several of the books in the General Sources are older, so it might be worth looking in Google Books or The Internet Archives for them.

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) – 5 – Records on

This post is the fifth in a series of posts is about how to locate record the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). The first post contains information about the GAR.

To use the GAR records on, start at the Card Catalog. From the Search menu, select Card Catalog.


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In the Keyword(s) field type: Grand Army of the Republic.


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Click the Search button.


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From the results list, you can select an individual database to search.

Click on New York, Grand Army of the Republic Records 1866-1931.


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I scanned the listings in the Browse this collection section and did not see the Gowanda Chapter for the ancestor. When I used surnames from the family in the Last Name field there were no results. So, I entered a county of residence.


GAR - Ancestry - 6


This search returned the names of all the individuals who were listed as living in Cattaraugus County, New York in these records. I will use other techniques to search for Tingues in the databases, just in case there were issues with indexing.

Good luck with your searches!