Book: Crash Course on ChatGPT for Genealogy

Book Cover of "Crash Course on ChatGPT for Genealogy"Let ChatGPT be your personal guide and research partner in genealogy. You do not have to be a computer wizard to benefit from ChatGPT! All you need to know is how to ask questions.
With a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering and a dedication to genealogy, and as an educator at the undergraduate and graduate levels for more than 25 years, Dr. Mac sees the challenges students face to when they are learning, and remembers what it was like to be a new genealogist. With technical skills and expertise in genealogy, Dr. Mac experimented with ChatGPT to find out how best it can support your genealogical pursuits.
This book begins with how to get started with ChatGPT, leads you to ideas on how ChatGPT can become your personal genealogical research assistant, then shows example chats and example prompts.
More than enumerate lists of how ChatGPT can help, Dr. Mac goes the extra mile, showing you types of queries to use, and how to tailor those queries. There are specific examples to show the ways that ChatGPT can help you with your genealogy along with specific ideas on how to interact with ChatGPT about genealogy.


“This is a short, but excellent text on how you can get started researching genealogy using ChatGPT. A section of the book talks about how to get started using one of the most popular artificial intelligence products itself; ChatGPT, and then talks further how to use the AI in conjunction with starting genealogical research.

What I particularly liked about the book is that it also offers good advice on what not to do regarding use of private or sensitive data into the AI, and especially not using any data about presently living individuals.

If you want quick introduction to ChatGPT and Genealogy, this book will give it to you – highly recommended!” -Tom H

Crash Course on ChatGPT for Genealogy is available in both print and Kindle versions. It can be found at: Amazon

Please contact us for discounts for multiple orders.

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