You can tune into the The Genealogy Guys Podcast #277. The review starts about 47:30 into the interview. You can find the podcast at The Genealogy Guys website.
read moreThe Odenton Regional Library (formerly West County Library) has invited me back for more talks in the Spring. Be looking for a survey so that you can help choose the topics I will present.
read more“A Weekend of Genealogy” offers a weekend of genealogical research activities centered on the U.S. Federal Census and Internet searches. The book includes how to find the census records for your ancestors and what to do with them. It demonstrates how to build Google searches to hunt for your family’s history. It also acquaints you with other Internet search engines. There are activities you can do before and after the weekend. The book contains hints, websites, and search terms useful for your own research. You can buy it now...
read moreThis Saturday is the Family History Festival at the Maryland State Archives. There are activities for the whole family.
read moreNew talks have been scheduled for January and February at the Odenton Regional Library (formerly known as the West County Library). The topics are Introduction to Genealogy and Census Research.
read moreIt was great to meet and speak with so many people at the Census table last night! Hopefully you will be using census records, both population and non-population schedules in your research.
read moreLast week I had a chance to volunteer at the Maryland State Archives. This time volunteers were preparing documents and making target sheets for the Caroline County Letters of Guardianship at the turn of the last century. These letters are a great resource, as they tell the story of the young person’s expenses. This letter states that the guardian would rather not appear in court. This guardian was behind in filing...
read moreOn Thursday September 4, 2014, the Anne Arundel Genealogical Society is hosting their “ABCs of Genealogy” meeting. There will be eleven tables filled with genealogical information. I will be at Table 8 with “The US Federal Census”. The event is free. For details see the Anne Arundel Genealogical Society Meetings & Events Web Page.
read moreThe registration dates for my talks this Fall at West County Library have been added to the descriptions in the Upcoming page. Since the DNA talk is not in the lab, no registration is required.
read moreIn an online world of compelling records, I have found LAND RECORDS to be the singularly most addictive set of online records available. Be sure that you have a block of hours available, because you will have that urge to see just one more page. The Clerk may have recorded many things in these books. I have seen examples of property purchases, wills, and even prenuptial agreements. Although tedious to search for, these records may be worth the effort to further your research. If your ancestors were not land owners, these records may not be...
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