Sales on DNA Tests and Our Books

Happy Thanksgiving!

If you have been waiting to do your Autosomal DNA, now may be the time! The atDNA tests are on sale. (I have not seen a Black Friday price for 23andMe, and although the database is large, it may be that the other people in it may be more focused on the health aspect of the testing rather than genealogy.)

Family Tree DNA Holiday Sale

The annual Family Tree DNA Holiday Sale is offering the Family Finder/Ethnic Percentages for $59. They are also offering  bundles that combine Family Finder and Y-DNA and mitochondrial tests. Holiday Sale

The Ancestry Insider Blog ( gives details about the test being on sale for $69 from 25 November to 28 November 2016. From 29 November to 14 December 2016 they are offering it for $89.

When Choosing A Company

Here are some things to consider when choosing a company for autosomal DNA testing

Testing at

  • The database has over 2,000,000 people (23andMe has 1,000,000 and FTDNA has almost 830,000)
  • You can attach your results to your tree
  • You can see your matches, but you cannot examine the details of the individual matching chromosomes
  • While you can transfer your results from to FTDNA, there is a fee to see the matches

Testing at Family Tree DNA:

  • The tools at FTDNA to see chromosomes are good
  • You can upload your family tree to the website

No matter where you test:

  • Consider transferring your results to to match with people who have tested elsewhere
  • GEDMatch has good tools for chromosome data

Our Books are on Sale for Black Friday / Cyber Monday

Our books “A Week of Genealogy” and “A Weekend of Genealogy” are on sale for Black Friday/Cyber Monday. To receive a 25% discount, use the links at and remember to use code 44RZVNZD when you check out.

A Week of Genealogy on Facebook

To get more frequent updates, please like our Facebook Page. Check it out at:

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