
Dr. Margaret M. McMahon has always collected family stories. She earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering and has amassed decades of experience as a flight test and systems engineer, and as a professional educator, teaching graduate and undergraduate students. Her experience includes speaking at international technical conferences.

When her son was born, family lines became more relevant, so she focused her engineering and educational skills and talents on her newfound passion to combine family stories with factual records. She researches, lectures and writes about genealogy and military history and is the author of numerous books on those subjects. She is the Unofficial Historian for the 51st Pioneer Infantry Regiment. She has been speaking about genealogical topics in the Annapolis-Baltimore-DC-VA area since 2007, and been a presenter at RootsTech Connect and been an invited speaker at societies, libraries and local conferences. She is a graduate of the ProGen Study Group 46.

She is the author of “Researching U.S. WWI Military Members, Military Organizations and Overseas Noncombatants: A Research Guide for Historians and Genealogists,” “A Guide to the U.S. Pioneer infantry Regiments in WWI,” “From Timeline to Young Readers Book,” and other books.

A Week of Genealogy Blog and information about her and her books can be found at:




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